Survivor Mom

Surviving military life with 4 children and a passion for saving money every way I possibly can!

Light at the End of the Tunnel June 22, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 9:52 pm
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I know it has been forever since I’ve written, and for that I apologize. We have been in limbo for the past 3-4 weeks and it’s taken it’s toll on me. Our “home” has consisted of Nonnie and Pop’s house and a 2 bedroom hotel/condo(we’ve gone back and forth). The kids have been off of a schedule since we left North Carolina and it’s driving us all crazy! We NEED routine for our lives to run smoothly. But I’m so excited to say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel…we are getting the keys to our house TOMORROW!!! 🙂  Praise the Lord because I’m just not sure how much longer I can listen to these kids fight. Lol! Of course, things will still be busy and crazy, but the kids will have 1900 sq. feet of space to get away from each other if that’s what their sweet heart desires. All of our household goods will be delivered on Friday. I’m so looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again.


In other news, I am 22 and a half weeks preggo. I had my ultrasound before we left North Carolina and found out we are having another little BOY! Noah Cauthen will be joining our family in October and we are so excited. My belly just keeps growing and he is getting more and more active. This is my favorite stage in pregnancy.


Kaylynn, Jackson and Carsyn are growing and learning as usual. Kaylynn will be starting kindergarten(I can’t believe she is this old!) this year and she is so excited. She is also starting a ballet/tap dance class in July. Both Kaylynn and Jack are playing t-ball starting in July. Luckily they will be on the same team…makes for easy practices and games. 😉


Kevin is officially back in air traffic. All of his post op tests with his heart came back great and he is an active air traffic controller again. To say he is excited is an understatement! He has been waiting so long to get back into ATC. Luckily, he loves everyone that he works with. He even said that the commanders and first shirt were really nice. That was so refreshing to hear. That is probably the biggest fear I have about moving to another base…Kevin not liking the people he works with.


Well, that’s a little bit of what’s going on here. I’m hoping it won’t be as long till I post again, but I’m realistic and know that life is just chaotic right now. I guess time will tell…


Weekend Wrap-Up January 23, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 9:43 pm
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This week/weekend has been pretty boring. There has been lots of laundry, diaper changes, vacuuming, dish washing, dusting, sweeping…you know, the usual. Kaylynn and Jackson have been helping with chores a lot more this week. I’m taking advantage of this now, while they LIKE to help and don’t complain. 😉  Carsyn, of course, comes right behind us and tears everything up again. But good grief…she is so dang cute while she’s doing it.


Kaylynn and Jackson finally finished up learning the letter “C”. I have been so lazy with it, I think it took us 3 weeks to actually finish AND I took no pictures! *bad mommy* The first two weeks we only did school once or twice a week. Anyways, I’m really excited about this upcoming week. I’ve got a few new things to introduce. I know they(Kaylynn especially) will be excited about it. I’m hoping I’ll be on my game this week and remember to bring the camera out during school time.


I suppose the biggest news from this week is that Kevin won Airman of the Year for his squadron!! He went before a board on Friday to compete for Airman of the Year for the wing(the whole base). We won’t know if he won till the awards banquet on February 4th, but I’m very hopeful that he did. He said he felt like the process went really well. I will, of course, update as soon as I know for sure.


And last but not least, Kevin and I celebrated 5 years of marriage on Thursday. We celebrated with great fondue and lots of laughs.

Kevin and I, 5 beautiful years ago


This turned into a week wrap up instead of a weekend wrap up. Oh well…that’s how I roll. 😉


Have a Special Day Drive! January 21, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 11:20 pm
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That is what my sweet little Kaylynn said to me as I was walking out the door for an appointment! I just love her to death! Her and Jack got new Leapters yesterday and she has been playing Dora non-stop! I’m definitely going to have to put a limit on it. But it does crack me up listening to her repeat the Spanish words.

We are all finally starting to get over this sickness! And thank goodness because a sick momma dealing with sick kids is NOT fun! Poor Carsyn finally cut her 2 bottom teeth and was happy for about 1/2 a day before she got sick and cranky!

She is cute though….even when she is sick!

Mine and Kevin’s 4th wedding anniversary was yesterday! I can’t believe it’s been 4 years already! Time sure does fly. We had a nice evening of cheese and white chocolate fondue! It was so yummy and I was so stuffed! I forgot to take pics of it before we ate it all. I need to get better at taking pics BEFORE we eat. I can’t wait to see what the next 4 years have in store for us!


And It Begins! January 5, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 12:45 am
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Well, this is it! The start of a new adventure(like my life isn’t hectic enough! 😛 ). I’ve never blogged before so bear with me while I get the hang of it. I’m hoping this blog will keep me on track while I try and make the best of what life has in store.

For my first post, I’d like to introduce my family and I:

My husband, Kevin, is the head of the Pulley clan. He is an air traffic controller in the Air Force and the provider of everything we need. He loves books, hip-hop, movies, theology, basketball, conservative politics and all things Mark Driscoll.

I hold down the fort on a daily basis. I’m a stay at home mom and I love every minute of it. Well, maybe not EVERY minute of it (let’s be realistic…changing poopy diapers and breaking up fights over McDonald’s toys can get old!), but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love sewing, scrap booking, running, and baking. I also have a passion for birth. I have home births and will soon be working on my DONA (Doulas of North America) certification. I see birth as a beautiful, natural, wonderful thing and I get warm fuzzies when I talk about the subject.

Kaylynn is our little princess. She is three years old and a hoot! She loves all things princess related and HATES being dirty. She’s a wonderful big sister and is always helping me. She talks non-stop(good grief she can talk your ear off), and she’ll talk to anyone! So don’t ever say “hi” to her or you’re in for it.  😉

Jackson is our little man. He is 100% boy and a fire ball! He loves rough housing it with daddy, but his favorite thing to do is annoy Kaylynn. I think it’s his life goal to see how many times he can make her mad in one day. Yo Gabba Gabba is his favorite show right now and I can’t wait for this phase to be over. I whole heartedly believe that show is from the devil! Anyways, he is always keeping me on my toes but I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

Carsyn is our little angel. She is a mild tempered baby and is all smiles all the time. She’s rolling over and loves to sit in her bumbo seat and excersaucer. She loves watching her brother and sister dance and goof around. She’s growing far too fast and I wish it would slow down!

So, there you have it…my gorgeous family! I hope through this blog, you will get to know us a little better everyday!