Survivor Mom

Surviving military life with 4 children and a passion for saving money every way I possibly can!

Back in the Groove July 29, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 11:38 pm
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We are finally settled in our house and seem to have somewhat of a routine. This will be only be our second weekend in our house with no visitors. I need this down time. Our garage is still a hot mess and in desperate need of organization so that’s what we’ll be working on this weekend.  🙂


Since summer is almost over, I’ve been thinking about the kids school a lot. We got Kaylynn’s kindergarten(I can’t believe she’s in kindergarten!) books in and I’ve been a busy bee getting the home school room ready. It’s just about done and I’m so excited to get started. With Noah being due at the end of October, I need to sit down and figure out how our year will look…soon!


T-ball just started for Kaylynn and Jackson. They’ve really seemed to enjoy it so far. Jackson was in desperate need of an activity that he could do because he was always complaining about sitting through Kaylynn’s dance class. I can’t wait to see them in their team shirts running around the bases at their first game.


Life is good here. We are really enjoying being on the coast and we’re just patiently waiting for the next member of our family. It feels good to be back in the groove. 🙂



Operation Toy Drop December 14, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 10:59 pm
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Operation Toy Drop brings in 1800 parachute jumpers from over 15 different countries to participate. The goal is to collect over 6000 toys for kids around the Fayetteville/Raleigh area that are in need.

This past Saturday, my family and I had the opportunity to be a part of this fabulous event! We started by wrapping lots of presents for these precious children. Jack and Kaylynn even helped wrap(and envied all the presents. Lol!) I didn’t get any pictures of the wrapping because our hands were too busy. But after the wrapping we drove to the range to watch the jumpers. We only stayed for 3 planes to go by because it was rainy and COLD! The kids had a blast though. They always love watching the planes from the tower but were even more excited when they saw people jumping out of the back.

(Click to enlarge)


I heart the military!


Forgive my Absence October 21, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 10:32 pm

Last Tuesday I got news that my great grandfather(Pepaw) was in the hospital. He was unresponsive, so we packed up the kids and quickly made the 11 hour trip to Mississippi to join the family. Unfortunately we had to say goodbye forever(he has a massive heart attack), but he was 86 so we had him for a very long time. He was a husband(married for 68 years!!), father to three, grandfather to three, great grandfather to eight and a great great grandfather to three. He will be greatly missed!

So, we just got home last night and have a lot to catch up on. I’m going to try my best to catch up on here while catching up on house work too(the house was left in shambles since we got on the road so quickly).


I’M ALIVE!!! September 14, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 10:15 pm

Boy oh boy are summers busy! I’m sure most of yall thought I fell of the face of the earth, but I assure you the Pulley family is alive and well. Let’s see if I can recap some of the things that have happened this summer…

We went to Washington DC because Kevin had a procedure done on his heart at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. While the procedure was somewhat traumatic for him, we are so thankful that his heart is fixed and everything is working properly now!

My sweet little Carsyn is ONE!!! I can’t believe this past year has gone by so fast! I made her birthday cake and she enjoyed every bite. 🙂


We now have only one baby in diapers! That’s right! Jackson is potty trained and doing so well. And I’m very thankful that I don’t have to wash diapers everyday! LOL!

I think the last big announcement is that Kaylynn started preschool today! She is soooooo excited and I’m hoping I won’t let her down. I will be posting some things from our school day periodically.

Now that things seem to be calming down, I should be keeping up here a little better! At least I’m going to try. 🙂


And It Begins! January 5, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 12:45 am
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Well, this is it! The start of a new adventure(like my life isn’t hectic enough! 😛 ). I’ve never blogged before so bear with me while I get the hang of it. I’m hoping this blog will keep me on track while I try and make the best of what life has in store.

For my first post, I’d like to introduce my family and I:

My husband, Kevin, is the head of the Pulley clan. He is an air traffic controller in the Air Force and the provider of everything we need. He loves books, hip-hop, movies, theology, basketball, conservative politics and all things Mark Driscoll.

I hold down the fort on a daily basis. I’m a stay at home mom and I love every minute of it. Well, maybe not EVERY minute of it (let’s be realistic…changing poopy diapers and breaking up fights over McDonald’s toys can get old!), but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love sewing, scrap booking, running, and baking. I also have a passion for birth. I have home births and will soon be working on my DONA (Doulas of North America) certification. I see birth as a beautiful, natural, wonderful thing and I get warm fuzzies when I talk about the subject.

Kaylynn is our little princess. She is three years old and a hoot! She loves all things princess related and HATES being dirty. She’s a wonderful big sister and is always helping me. She talks non-stop(good grief she can talk your ear off), and she’ll talk to anyone! So don’t ever say “hi” to her or you’re in for it.  😉

Jackson is our little man. He is 100% boy and a fire ball! He loves rough housing it with daddy, but his favorite thing to do is annoy Kaylynn. I think it’s his life goal to see how many times he can make her mad in one day. Yo Gabba Gabba is his favorite show right now and I can’t wait for this phase to be over. I whole heartedly believe that show is from the devil! Anyways, he is always keeping me on my toes but I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

Carsyn is our little angel. She is a mild tempered baby and is all smiles all the time. She’s rolling over and loves to sit in her bumbo seat and excersaucer. She loves watching her brother and sister dance and goof around. She’s growing far too fast and I wish it would slow down!

So, there you have it…my gorgeous family! I hope through this blog, you will get to know us a little better everyday!