Survivor Mom

Surviving military life with 4 children and a passion for saving money every way I possibly can!

The Perfect Parent August 4, 2011

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Another week is quickly wrapping up and it’s been a tough one. There have been lots of appointments, practices, and make-believing…but in the midst of it there was lots of stress, yelling and tears. Sometimes, ok…lots of times, I wish there was someone there to just tell me how to be the perfect mom. I want someone to tell me what to say to answer all the questions that get asked and give me the ideas and energy to do tons of baking and crafts with my kids. You know…I want someone to tell me how to be Carol Brady. So the week goes on and I make note that the laundry is growing much quicker than I can seem to keep up with, the van desperately needs to be cleaned, and my kids have watched way to much tv. But all these worries and stresses melt away when Kaylynn comes up to me and wants to snuggle. I then know that even though I lose my temper, she still knows that I love her with all my heart. And when Jackson cups his hand around Carsyn’s cheek and says, “Carsy(his name for her), do you want to play trains with me?”. I then know that even though I don’t always set a good example of caring for others, he knows how to do it. And when Carsyn comes up to my belly and says “baby” and kisses it. I then know that her heart is kind and caring even though I don’t always show kindness. I’ve always known that there were no perfect parents out there, but this week I really “got it”. When I’m not enough for them, God is. Even though I yell lose my temper, God still has them in His hand “un-doing” my crappy parenting and fixing all of my mistakes. Thank the Lord that He is the prefect parent and is there to help me through this journey. I will screw up again. I will yell, lose my temper and let my kids watch too much tv sometimes…BUT He will be there fill in the gaps and THAT is an awesome thing!!!!!


Light at the End of the Tunnel June 22, 2011

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I know it has been forever since I’ve written, and for that I apologize. We have been in limbo for the past 3-4 weeks and it’s taken it’s toll on me. Our “home” has consisted of Nonnie and Pop’s house and a 2 bedroom hotel/condo(we’ve gone back and forth). The kids have been off of a schedule since we left North Carolina and it’s driving us all crazy! We NEED routine for our lives to run smoothly. But I’m so excited to say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel…we are getting the keys to our house TOMORROW!!! 🙂  Praise the Lord because I’m just not sure how much longer I can listen to these kids fight. Lol! Of course, things will still be busy and crazy, but the kids will have 1900 sq. feet of space to get away from each other if that’s what their sweet heart desires. All of our household goods will be delivered on Friday. I’m so looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again.


In other news, I am 22 and a half weeks preggo. I had my ultrasound before we left North Carolina and found out we are having another little BOY! Noah Cauthen will be joining our family in October and we are so excited. My belly just keeps growing and he is getting more and more active. This is my favorite stage in pregnancy.


Kaylynn, Jackson and Carsyn are growing and learning as usual. Kaylynn will be starting kindergarten(I can’t believe she is this old!) this year and she is so excited. She is also starting a ballet/tap dance class in July. Both Kaylynn and Jack are playing t-ball starting in July. Luckily they will be on the same team…makes for easy practices and games. 😉


Kevin is officially back in air traffic. All of his post op tests with his heart came back great and he is an active air traffic controller again. To say he is excited is an understatement! He has been waiting so long to get back into ATC. Luckily, he loves everyone that he works with. He even said that the commanders and first shirt were really nice. That was so refreshing to hear. That is probably the biggest fear I have about moving to another base…Kevin not liking the people he works with.


Well, that’s a little bit of what’s going on here. I’m hoping it won’t be as long till I post again, but I’m realistic and know that life is just chaotic right now. I guess time will tell…


Wordless Wednesday February 9, 2011

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(Click to enlarge)


Weekend Wrap-Up January 23, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 9:43 pm
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This week/weekend has been pretty boring. There has been lots of laundry, diaper changes, vacuuming, dish washing, dusting, sweeping…you know, the usual. Kaylynn and Jackson have been helping with chores a lot more this week. I’m taking advantage of this now, while they LIKE to help and don’t complain. 😉  Carsyn, of course, comes right behind us and tears everything up again. But good grief…she is so dang cute while she’s doing it.


Kaylynn and Jackson finally finished up learning the letter “C”. I have been so lazy with it, I think it took us 3 weeks to actually finish AND I took no pictures! *bad mommy* The first two weeks we only did school once or twice a week. Anyways, I’m really excited about this upcoming week. I’ve got a few new things to introduce. I know they(Kaylynn especially) will be excited about it. I’m hoping I’ll be on my game this week and remember to bring the camera out during school time.


I suppose the biggest news from this week is that Kevin won Airman of the Year for his squadron!! He went before a board on Friday to compete for Airman of the Year for the wing(the whole base). We won’t know if he won till the awards banquet on February 4th, but I’m very hopeful that he did. He said he felt like the process went really well. I will, of course, update as soon as I know for sure.


And last but not least, Kevin and I celebrated 5 years of marriage on Thursday. We celebrated with great fondue and lots of laughs.

Kevin and I, 5 beautiful years ago


This turned into a week wrap up instead of a weekend wrap up. Oh well…that’s how I roll. 😉


Activity Overload! December 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 9:24 pm
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Whew! The week is almost over, yall! We have had a busy day! I decided to take all 3 kiddos to Barnes and Noble this morning to let them play with the trains and for story time. About 15 minutes into the outing, I suddenly remembered why I DON’T take them to story time more often. It’s always something even if you plan things out and are organized. I guess the important part was that they had fun, even if I added gray hairs to my head in the process. 😉  Since we went to story time in the morning, we moved school to the afternoon. I had so much planned for today, I almost didn’t get to start supper on time. So, here is what we did today…


We are continuing to study the letter “B”. Kaylynn used this tracing stencil to practice her writing. She really liked the guidance of this tool.

We worked on some free hand writing after that.

While Kaylynn was doing this, Jackson was coloring “B”ob the tomato(from Veggie Tales). He looks really excited about this, huh? LOL!

Coloring Bob didn’t last too long, so we played with some magnetic letters.

He found the letter “B”!!

We can’t have school without a “B”ible story. Today we learned about “B”arnabas. Again, Jackson wasn’t really thrilled with the coloring…

Kaylynn and Jackson had the most fun doing our “B”ubble painting. I found this idea in one of my preschool books. Before we started I emphasized NOT to suck on the straw but to blow OUT of the straw. Jackson did great, but Kaylynn took a big swig of blue soapy water. It was priceless! I was hoping the final product would come out a little darker. Oh well!

“Memory” was last on the agenda for Kaylynn and Jackson today. I’ve never brought it out for them before(I know…bad mommy!) so I didn’t know how they would do. I gave Jackson 6 cards and Kaylynn had 12. They both LOVED it! We will definitely be doing this again…soon!

He found a match!!

And while ALLLLLL that was going on, Carsyn was playing with my version of a sensory box. All of the items in the “B”ox started with the letter “B”. It included, “B”ells, a “B”aby, “B”uzz, a “B”ook, “B”locks, a “B”us, and “B”ob the tomato. The bells were her FAVORITE!!! She played with this box for the whole hour and a half that we were doing school. I was amazed!

Even with all the bumps in the road today, I am so blessed to have these three gorgeous children. I’m amazed everyday at how much they learn. They truly are a blessing from God!



B is for… December 7, 2010

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We are finally back on track and started school again today. The letter “B” is our topic of choice.. The kids and I had fun trying some new ideas I found on some of my favorite sites.

So, one of the “new” activities was using a playdough mat. Jack and Kaylynn both love playdough anytime, so I knew they would love this.


We also did some work with counting and patterns. Jackson knew how to count higher than I thought he did! I was quite impressed. I guess he learned from Kaylynn. 😉


Making their “B”ee was their favorite. Instructions for this craft can be found here.


And while all this was going on, Carsyn was doing this…

So, there is a sneak peak of what we did today. It felt really good to get back in the groove of things. HAPPY TUESDAY!!! 🙂



Happy Halloween! October 30, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wifey2kevin @ 10:56 pm
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Growing up in a Christian house, we did not celebrate Halloween. We would go to our church’s Harvest Festival to get out of the house on Halloween. We would play games and get candy and treat at the Harvest Festival but nobody dressed up. If you didn’t know the date, you would have never guessed it was actually Halloween. Well, now that I have kids of my own, I’ve been going back and forth on what I really believe. Just the other day I was talking a my dear friend, Mike, about this very subject, and ended the conversation just as confused as when we started it. A little later that day I came across this blog post, and I felt like God was finally clearing my mind on this subject. I read the post to Kevin and we talked it over, then came to the conclusion that it IS ok for the kids to have good clean fun. So, that’s how we kept it this Halloween…clean fun! Here are my cute little kiddos giraffe, cheeseburger, and ladybug. 😉

This is the best I can ever get of all 3 kids together!


My How Things Change March 16, 2010

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Five years ago I NEVER thought I’d be so excited to have this. But now, I can’t tell you just how excited I am!

Yes, you are seeing this right. I’m the proud owner of a triple jogging stroller and it was worth every penny! It’s probably one of the best workouts I’ve ever gotten. The stroller weighs about 45 lbs, Kaylynn weighs 39lbs, Jack weighs 30 lbs and Carsyn weighs 15 lbs. That’s a 129 lbs to push around!!


Beauties! March 8, 2010

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I love these girls!


Snow Days February 13, 2010

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I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but I really really hate snow! Like REALLY hate it!! Before moving to North Carolina, we lived in North Dakota and I was frozen the whole 4 1/2 years we were there. I was so excited to move to North Carolina because I really didn’t think it snowed much here. And to be honest, I guess it doesn’t. But ANY snow is too much in my book! 😉  And this is what we were blessed with last night.

Thank goodness it all melted today! I really hate snow! LOL!!  And here is a random one of my sweet Carsyn! ❤